Tunafanya nini na tunafanyaje?

kampuni ya Agreen Mind Limited inajishughulisha na kilimo cha parachichi mbegu aina ya HASS pamoja na kusimamia miradi ya wakulima wengine kutoka kwenye hatua ya kutafuta mashamba, kuandaa, kupanda, kutunza, kuvuna na kupeleka sokoni (Mnyororo wa thamani) na kutoa elimu ya ukombozi wa kifikra kuhusu uwekezaji na maisha bora. Pamoja na hayo kampuni inatoa mpango wa kustaafu kwa wastaafu na wanaokaribia kustaafu

Our Mission

To invest in agriculture with sustainable use of resources in order to improve living standards in our community.

Our Vision

A sustainable society with a thriving economy.

Our Core Values

  • Team work - We are a team recognizing everyone's potential and unite together..
  • Accountability - We are accountable and responsible committed to do what's right, we openly collaborate in pursuit of the truth
  • Innovation - We strive to transform our community, focusing on developing innovative solutions fueled by our talents, creativity and hard work.
  • Integrity - We promote honesty and transparency culture to everyone. And are committed to doing what's best for our customers focusing on putting ourselves in the shoes of others.